May 20, 2009
A top New York City musician who has toured and recorded with Whitney Houston for a number of years conducted an interview this month with Ian Halperin of about Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown.
The musician said, “Her marriage to Bobby was only a marriage of convenience for both of them. They’re both gay and have had other people on the side ever since they first hooked up at the Soul Train Awards back in ’89. Just like her previous boyfriend Eddie Murphy, Bobby was gay. It was a union to have children and to maintain their homosexual life on the side. Being together was an ingenious way for both of them to keep hiding in the closet. I’m not sure what they’re up to nowbut I know that a [gic] recently Whitney was seeing a white young actress at least half her age.”
The source also said Whitney’s father wanted to kill Bobby Brown for ruining her career and life.
“John [Houston] thought that Bobby was a punk and he hired a few guys from the hood to take care of him. Unfortunately he got sick. If not for this stroke of fate for Bobby, bobby [gic] would be six feet under today. John was the man responsible for everything in Whitney’s career. It went all down the drain when Bobby arrived on the scene. Unfortunately, Whitney remained estranged from John till the day he died. It was the most ugly showbiz family feud ever.”
The musician source also said that Brown’s years of drug addictions were prompted by a homosexual relationship that “went sour.”
He told Halperin, “He [Brown] was in love with a leading male actor who got like himself got married to hide his sexuality. As a condition of the marriage the wife insisted her husband stop seeing Brown.”
In April 2006, Bobby’s sister, Tina Brown told the National Enquirer, “It’s no secret. I’ve seen her [Houston] with a woman a couple of times. They were walking around without shirts on when I came in the house. Bobby would say, ‘She’s with this one and that one.’”
Tina Brown also alleged to the magazine in March 2006 that Houston camped out for weeks at seedy crack dens and locked herself in her bedroom for days surrounded by trash, taking drugs and using sex toys. She released shocking pictures to the National Enquirer showing Houston’s bathroom littered with drug paraphernalia including cocaine-covered spoons and crack-pipes. She claimed she was trying to help end Houston’s drug habit by exposing it to the public.
In Kevin Ammons’s 1998 biography of Houston, Good Girl, Bad Girl, he suggested Houston and her assistant, Robyn Crawford had a lesbian relationship. He claimed Crawford became angry at Bobby Brown when he sent Houston 400 roses to woo her years ago. Also he wrote that at the 1991 Super Bowl, Crawford slapped Houston. Because of the slap, Houston’s mother, Cissy tried to force Whitney to leave Crawford.
Ammons wrote that Houston paid people who worked with her to not talk about their lesbian relationship, and she would not allow anyone to mention Crawford. One of the pay-offs included Houston giving her publicist, Regina Brown a $125,000 salary, free rent on her expensive apartment, a gold Mercedes, diamond earrings, a diamond-studded cross, a corporate credit card, a calling card account, and free air travel.
Also, Wendy Williams recently pointed out on her radio show that Houston was in a love-triangle with Jodi Foster and Kelly McGillis. She said, Houston and McGillis were allegedly lovers until McGillis became involved romantically with Jodi Foster in 1988 while filming The Accused. Houston went to the movie set to see McGillis and walked in on McGillis and Jodi Foster having sex. Houston was infuriated and threatened to beat up both of them.
In Bobby Brown’s 2008 autobiography, Bobby Brown: The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But, he says Houston drove him to use drugs.
He wrote, “I never used cocaine until after I met Whitney. Before then, I had experimented with other drugs, but marijuana was my drug of choice. At one point in my life, I used drugs uncontrollably. I was using everything I could get my hands on, from cocaine to heroin, weed and cooked cocaine.”
Brown wrote, his 15 year marriage to Houston “was doomed from the very beginning. Within the first year we separated, with several more to follow. I think we got married for all the wrong reasons. Now, I realize Whitney had a different agenda than I did when we got married…I believe her agenda was to clean up her image, while mine was to be loved and have children.”
He claimed Houston was under “a lot of pressure. The media was accusing her of having a bisexual relationship with her assistant, Robin Crawford. Since she was the American Sweetheart and all, that didn’t go too well with her image…In Whitney’s situation, the only solution was to get married and have kids. That would kill all speculation, whether it was true or not. In the short, I think I got caught up in the politics and ended up marrying one of the biggest stars in the world.”
Brown also admits to cheating on Houston, “I am guilty of sleeping with other women…Women are always throwing themselves at you. I’m only human, so I would make the mistake and bite the hook sometimes…I let the testosterone take over…Yes, I’ve slept with her [Karrine “Superhead” Steffans]. Yes, I’ve spent several nights at her house. But she was only good for what her nickname stood for.”
In his book, Brown did not admit to his own gay relationships.

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OMG! I wonder who the leading male actor is?!