June 4, 2009
The very pregnant “Bossy” “Milkshake” singer Kelis spouted off on Twitter Wednesday about her “Martian” pregnancy and anger over “down low” men. She recently divorced rapper Nas for “irreconcilable difference.” It must have been pretty serious because she filed for divorce while being pregnant with their first child.
Starting 1:06 pm on June 1, “I am 8 months [pregnant]… And a week! I feel like I have been pregnant forever ok yeah the better part of a year! Its [sic] an eternity. Literally living in purgatory!...I'm so ready! P.s I hate spandex and after this baby I never wanna [sic] see a legging again! I may go on an anti american aparell [sic] tyraid!...Course wouldn't be fare to that establishment since they have litterally [sic] kept me clother [sic] for the past 8 months. But good grief a girl can…Only stand but so much lycra in one lifetime! I have had enough I want corsets and and [gic] tight jeans and platform stilettos and I want it now!... My rib cage is being attacked by my stomach which is anialating [sic] my lungs! I want this little martian [gic] now! I can't wait the suspense is crazy… So I have resolved to keeping my hair and nails absolutely glorious since my body looks like the sphere from the blue lagoon. :)”
Later she added at 10:55 am on June 3, “I would like to talk about closet homosexuals for just a moment. Let me start by asking , why?...Gay is gay, [gic] no amount of women or fornication will change that and will honestly only make u [sic] look stupid. That's just food for thought. …We women do not appreciate it or even get it for that matter. We much rather just shop with u! [gic] :) closet dwellers you know who you are!”
Seemingly annoyed, she wrote at 8:12pm, “Well I went to church this evening which was good, it was raining and annoying but I needed some Jesus. Thank goodness I do feel better!”
There’s a very easy solution for Kelis: just tell everyone who these “down low” men are, and then other men and women will be able to decide for themselves if they want to have any type of relationship with them. If they’re famous rappers, those people are notorious for being promiscuous, so if people have sexual relations with them, they would be moronic to not know beforehand what they are getting into. They can’t be that naïve. It doesn’t seem right for Kelis to speak for all women since there are a number of women who would disagree with her sentiments. And, why would you want to shop with or spend any amount of time with people you essentially disapprove of? Do you think “down low” cheating is why Kelis divorced Nas?
I want to know who the down low guys are!