May 28, 2009
"American Idol" runner-up Adam Lambert reacted to Clay Aiken's mean "colorful" comments Thursday during an interview with Access Hollywood at the "Today" show.
Lambert said, "I don't know Clay. No. I'm glad he's getting headlines now though, because he wasn't before. So If he wants to ride my coattails about it, good for him."
And the claws are out. Round 3?
Judging by these pictures of Lambert, maybe Aiken really was scared. If you've been living under a rock, Lambert is the blue one.
You may find this fact funny, but the nimble-minded news, including the Illuminati dimwit Barbara Walters, is still unsure if Lambert has any attractions to men or if he's ever acted on one. Walters made it an issue with "American Idol" judge Kara DioGuardi when she came to see the chickens of "The View" for the Friday taping. As a journalist who thinks so highly of herself, she should have already researched and seen these pictures along with the many others of him kissing other men or seen the US Magazine online interview where he describes sex positions. Walters is really one of the dumbest Illuminati members.
See the US Magazine online interview on YouTube here - go to time mark 1:23
Pictures by Amelia G and Forrest Black of - Visit here to see bigger pictures and other ones.

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