A group of the most powerful billionaires met in a clandestine meeting off their public calendars and hidden from the press at The Rockefeller University in New York City on May 5.
The first publication about this secret meeting was by the writers at Irishcentral.com on May 18, and it wasn’t until May 20 that most media paid attention; however, they barley said anything about it. It’s pretty bad when a website about Irish-American news had to be the ones to break this story. People Magazine Daily wanted to research this meeting further before writing, which is why our report took longer.
Irish Central learned of the meeting exclusively through a protected source who was present at the meeting. According to their source, the meeting was held in the President’s Room of the university at 3 pm. Each participant gave a 15 minute presentation on the future global economic climate and the future priorities of their philanthropy.
The source said, “They were all there, [gic] the great and the good.”
Participants of the meeting refuse to discuss the details of the meeting citing an agreement to protect the confidentiality of the meeting.
The billionaires that met included in order of wealth: Bill Gates; Warren Buffett; NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg; author/investor George Soros; real estate developer Eli Broad; Broad’s wife Edythe Broad; Oprah Winfrey; railroad monopolist, investor and money loan shark David Rockefeller Sr.; David Rockefeller Jr.; Ted Turner; commerce secretary in Nixon’s administration, investor, and producer of debt documentary I.O.U.S.A. and co-founder of the private equity company Blackstone Group Peter G. Peterson; former hedge fund manager Julian H. Robertson, Jr.; former chairman of Cisco Systems John P. Morgridge and his wife Tashia; Director of Amazon, Chair of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institute, president and co chair and then CEO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Patricia Q. Stonesifer.
Combined they have approximately $120 billion in net worth based on Forbes Magazine’s February estimate.
Stonesifer told ABC News the week of May 20, “The overwhelming reason for the meeting was need - that was the issue that galvanized everyone to participate," and added that the meeting lasted five hours.

One would think these very famous people all meeting together would be noticed by someone, but some of the more recognizable participants, such as Oprah had ways of moving secretly. The excuse Oprah had to be in New York is that before the secret meeting, she attended the Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People event.
New York City Mayor Bloomberg said to ABC News that he sometimes holds private meetings that are "not going to be on the public schedulues [sic]. There are meetings all over this city and there are some very powerful people in this city."
Bloomberg who would not directly comment on the meeting or its outcome said: "You know I am very interested in private philanthropy, I think it has a unique place in our society in that with private dollars you can try new things, things that you can't do with public dollars."
The only information about the meeting is that they were presenting opinions on the state of the economy and devising plans as to how to help it. They claim to have met for charity, and this particular meeting may have focused mainly on charity, but that would most probably not be the only topic discussed for five hours. Do you really believe them? Not one of these people became billionaires by being nice and giving all their earnings away. They are philanthropists, but they are also ruthless business people - more ruthless than most people probably think. Just because Oprah was present does not mean the meeting was all puppies and dieting angels.
John Rockefeller Sr. alone is a force of weird dealings. He is one of the founders of the most powerful secret societies in the world: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission, and is currently Honorary Chairman of the CFR. One of the other meeting attendees, Peter G. Peterson is the Chairman Emeritus of the CFR.
The non-governmental group, CFR is thought to be one of the most influential foreign-policy “think tanks” in the world that sets the outline to almost all government policy passed in the U.S. and abroad. Corporate members included a “whose who” of the richest companies in the world. Also, almost every American president elected since their formations was a member of one of these organizations before nomination.
The first photograph is the recent infamous Newsweek Oprah cover, and the second is a younger Bill Gates mug shot. There will be several follow-up articles on this topic.
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