Friday, August 14, 2009

Statue of Liberty: Illuminati Freemason Leftover Gift

July 20, 2009

Did your history teachers tell you the Statue of Liberty is not its real name, and it was a leftover Illuminati Masonic statue meant for the Suez Canal? In 1884, the Statue of Liberty in New York City harbor was presented as a gift from the French Grand Orient Temple Masons to the Freemasons of America in celebration of the centenary of the first Masonic Republic.

On August 5, 1984, a plaque was displayed at the Statue of Liberty to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the New York City statue, explaining Lady Liberty was a gift by the French Freemasons and government to American masons and government and is officially named Liberty Enlightening the World.


The official plaque shows the French government and the American government are both linked to Freemasonry. The 1984 plaque was signed by American Freemasons and not U.S. government officials. Therefore, is the statue owned by the Masons or the U.S. government, or are they one-in-the-same?

It is believed the Statue of Liberty is holding the Masonic “Torch of Enlightenment,” which represents the Sun. A torch sits on top of not only the Statue of Liberty but also over the tunnel where Princess Diana died in Paris, under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and over the grave of American President John F. Kennedy. Illuminati means “to bare light,” and carrying or displaying a torch can symbolize this meaning.

Popular Author Robert Bauval stated: “The Statue of Liberty, which was designed by the French sculptor [Frederic Auguste] Bartholdi and actually built by the French Engineer [gic], Gustave Eiffel (both well-known Freemasons), was not originally a ‘Statue of Liberty’ at all, but first planned by Bartholdi for the opening of the Suez Canal in Egypt in 1867.

Bartholdi, like many French Freemasons of his time, was deeply steeped in ‘Egyptian’ rituals, and it has often been said that he conceived the original statue as an effigy of the goddess Isis, and only later converted it to a ‘Statue of Liberty’ for New York harbour when it was rejected for the Suez Canal.”

Bauval wrote in another article, “The ‘torch’ analogy is very interesting. The original statue of Bartholdi destined first for Port Said at the mouth of the Suez Canal, was also to bear a torch intended to symbolize ‘the Orient showing the way.’ The ‘Grand Orient,’ of course, is the name of the name of the French Masonic mother lodge, and to which Bartholdi belonged. There is another similar ‘torch’ that played a strange role in the French Revolution, but of which I will reveal later in my forthcoming book “Talisman.” [gic] It still is to be seen in the skyline of Paris today.

People today do not realize the power of such symbolism, and how they can be used with devastating effect on the minds of the unsuspecting masses. And this is worrying. The SS Nazi movement made prolific use of these ‘symbol games,’ and wreaked havoc in the world.”

Lazy history teachers: did you ever even visit the Statue of Liberty and see the plaque describing where it came from?! If you want more information on this topic, one website to see is

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Putin Shows He's Alive By Posing Shirtless

Aug 6, 2009

This week shirtless photographs of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on vacation in Tuva,
Siberia were released officially by the Russian government. To prove his machismo and virility to his people and the world, he flashed his saggy chest and skills as a swimmer, equestrian, white-water rafter, fisher and various other things. It seems Putin is trying to prove he is fit enough to be Russia’s President again in 2012.

The average life expectancy for Russian men is 59-years-old, and Putin is rapidly approaching the croaking date at 57 in October. The life expectancy rate is so bad because a large group of Russians die young from alcoholism.

Alexander Nekrassov, former Kremlin advisor, told ABC’s “World News” this week the leader was using public relations to convince his voters that he was the best and that many political leaders use this tactic. He pointed out that France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy “is always naked.”

Nekrassov said, “What it shows here is he’s fit, he’s strong, he’s not a drinker and that’s a problem in Russia. Many men are alcoholics.”

Before these Aug. 3 photos, Putin has released other similar active pictures including him tranquilizing tigers, bowling, playing volleyball, blacksmithing, skiing and in judo matches. Maybe next we will see him in Berlusconi’s Italian orgies. See more pictures at

Bill Clinton Brings Jailed Journalists Back to U.S. from N. Korea

August 5, 2009

Former President Bill Clinton made a publicly unannounced visit to the capital of North Korea Pyongyang yesterday, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Il pardoned and released the two jailed U.S. journalists held captive in the country.

Elvis Presley fan Kim Jong Il pardoned the two journalists, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, after releasing them from prison. They were arrested in March and later sentenced to 12-years of hard-labor after crossing into North Korea from China while reporting for former Vice President Al Gore’s TV network Current TV. They were collecting information for a news report about trafficking North Korean women into China.

Clinton and his team engaged in a 75-minute meeting with President Kim Jong Il and then had a dinner which lasted a little over two hours. The White House will not say if the North Korean nuclear weapons program was discussed, but do you really think they were playing poker and watching assorted-gendered strippers? Well, they might have been multi-tasking.

A senior White House official told the Associated Press that Bill Clinton flew to the meeting only after they were guaranteed the two journalists would be released and allowed to return to the U.S. with Clinton.

The White House official spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity and said North Korean officials rejected having Al Gore meet to collect his imprisoned employees. Then, the Obama Administration, Gore and the journalists reached out to Clinton to be the emissary. The mission was the end of weeks of negotiations between Hillary Clinton, the State Department and North Korea with Bill Clinton being able to toot his big horn as the hero.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said yesterday the U.S. was not counting on complete agreement on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. However, by giving Jong Il the meeting with former President Clinton, he and his administration might return to six-party talks about its nuclear program with the U.S., Russia, South Korea, Japan and China.

North Korea has been demanding to discuss its nuclear program only with the U.S. and not with the other five nations the U.S. government wants to involve in the negotiations. Recently in defiance to the international criticism and the U.N. Security Council, Kim Jong Il’s regime restarted its atomic weapons program, fired a long-range nuclear missile, conducted a second nuclear test, fired numerous ballistic missiles and threatened to send nuclear weapons to bomb Hawaii.

Kim Jong Il is noticeably much thinner and allegedly has recently had a stroke that was followed by announcing his 27-year-old son would be his successor.

Jong Il used the hand-over as a state affair and had publicity photographs taken to distribute to his country's people since Clinton is supposedly highly regarded there.

Since it was considered a private humanitarian mission, Laura Ling, Euna Lee and Clinton flew home to Burbank, CA on a private jet provided by the wealthy Beowulf movie producer Stephen Bing and arrived last night. Another plane owned by Dow Chemical Company was used in different parts of the mission as well. The jet fuel for the trip alone costs more the $100,000. It sounds like a TV commercial. When they arrived in the Los Angeles area last night, they were greeted by Ling’s famous journalist sister, Lisa Ling, their husbands, Lee’s daughter and their parents.

Killa from Wasilla Palin Resigns

July 26, 2009

Drag Queen airline stewardess, Little Shop of Horrors, Killa from Wasilla Sarah Palin officially resigned today as the governor of Alaska. Thank you, God! Because she’s such a genius, she had to say a few “edumacated” things.

Caribou Barbie said, “Hollywood needs to know we eat; therefore we hunt!” and added, “Delicate tiny very talented celebrity starlets” are going to be used for anti-second amendment attacks on Alaska.

Doesn’t the dumbass know there are other things to eat besides animals, and starlets do not have time to ponder Alaska because they’re too busy binging and purging?

If you people buy Palin’s book, you should disintegrate. To get the juice, just rent it from a library.

Royal Family Member Claims Princess Diana Murdered Over Secret Arms Operation

July 22, 2009

A British royal family member contacted investigative journalist Ian Halperin to tell him new information about the murder of Princess Diana around the week of June 8. Princess Diana was the target of a murder plot by the royal family – not because she was hanging around and supposedly dating Muslim Dodi Al-Fayed or wanted to marry a Muslim doctor Hasnat Khan, but because she knew information on secret and illegal arms operations.

The unidentified royal claims Prince Philip and one of his employees plotted Diana’s murder for months in fear that she had criminal information about them.

“Diana had secret information on a[n] illegal arms operation involving key members of the Royal Family that would have caused the biggest scandal Britain has ever seen,” the British royal source said. “She had stuff on The Duke of Edinburgh, The Queen and Prince Charles that would have resulted in the Royal Family being abolished forever. Several of the Royals could have gone to prison if the info she had was made public.”

This information makes a lot more sense! If you remember back to before Diana died, she had told a TV journalist she was afraid she was going to be murdered.

Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi's Sexcapades; Media Control

July 6, 2009

Italy’s Prime Minister and media mogul Silvio Berlusconi is embroiled in allegations the past two months about his relationship with an underage teenage girl who calls him “daddy,” entertaining high-price prostitutes and turning starlets into political candidates.

Recently, newspapers around the world have printed pictures of Berlusconi with topless women in his villa in Sardinia.

Prosecutors are currently probing alleged payments made to several women recruited for his parties, and some of the women may have Mafia ties.

One sex-worker has given reporters graphic details of her alleged sexual trysts with the prime minister the night of the U.S. presidential election. She claims she has tapes as proof.

Eighty percent of Italians have little to no knowledge of these claims and investigations because the coverage of the scandals have been limited to newspapers not controlled by Berlusconi, and most of them get their news only from his TV networks or state-run channels.

However, the European media has been relentlessly covering his sexcapade claims. Of course, most of the American media only briefly touches on it between commenting on “The View” and Obama’s new dog.

To combat his naysayers, Berlusconi dismissed the allegations as concoctions of a Communist-led conspiracy that has recruited media, such as Financial Times and The Economist.

One of Berlusconi’s biggest supporters has been the Catholic Church, but finally prominent figures of the Church have begun to comment against his moral decadence and have suggested that he resign.

During his 15-years of political office, Berlusconi has been notorious for negative press including: numerous corruption charges; serial conflicts of interest; accusations of Mafia ties.

And he can count on the support of nearly 50 percent of Italian voters.

Caribou Barbie Sarah Palin Resigning as AK Governor

July 3, 2009

Caribou Barbie, Killa from Wasilla, Dumbass Sarah Palin announced today she will be resigning as governor of Alaska a year and a half before her term ends. Sadly, she is the only thing that could semi-eclipse the ongoing media circus surrounding Michael Jackson’s death.

Palin said she did not want to serve as a lame-duck governor because she will not be running for a second term. Thus, look for the Palin 2012 Presidential run. You know her campaign will include how she will be the only person, the “Virgin Mary,” who will be able to defeat the anti-Christ when it comes to annihilate Earth that year.

Impalin’ Palin also said she wants to resign to protect her family and the Alaskan taxpayers from continued legal issues and media scrutiny. So, in all of her brilliance, she’s writing a book that will be available to buy in a couple months, and of course there will be no media at that time! Dave Letterman wins…at least for now!

Sarah Palin Challenges Obama to Race; Mad at McCain Camp Over Running

July 1, 2009

An interview with Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was published this week for Runner’s World, and it’s very amusing. The publication discovered Palin, a runner for 35 years, demanded running time from the McCain Presidential campaign, and it became a pretty big issue for them. We also find that the sanity of Palin, if it actually exists, is from her sweat! You know, she’s sane in her mind. Also, the always “most moral” woman listens to morally questionable music, such as AC/DC and Van Halen

Palin told Runner’s World, “I feel so crappy if I go more than a few days without running. I have to run. No matter how rotten I feel before or during a run, it's always worth it to me afterwards [sic]. Sweat is my sanity. A great frustration I had during the campaign was when the McCain staff wouldn't carve out time for me to go for a run. The days never went as well if I couldn't get out there and sw

So, maybe Palin can blame her Presidential loss and her calling Africa a country, not on alcohol as Jamie Foxx says, but rater on not being allowed to sweat!

The interviewer asked, “Did you raise that issue, and put the ultimatum down that you needed to run?”

Palin said, “Absolutely, a
nd they would say, ‘Yes, in a couple of days we're going to start carving out that half-hour or hour to run,’ and too often it never happened, and that was frustrating. But then it also made it sweeter when I did get out. I would run with the Secret Service and Todd [Palin's husband], if he was on the trail...”

Later she was asked, “What about in a
race? Could you beat the president [Obama]?”

She answered, “I betcha I'd have mo
re endurance. My one claim to fame in my own little internal running circle is a sub-four marathon. So if it were a long race that required a lot of endurance, I'd win,” and later added, “I have a nice routine: I kick off my runs with the old Van Halen and AC/DC, then I get into my country music, then I always wrap it up with a couple of mellow Amy Grant songs.”

I thought this article was only going to have one line of interest with the foot race challenge, but oh no, Sarah Palin and her lovely gyne mouth did not disappoint. There are some hilarious picture from the spread too. I love how in the two pictures her legs are 10 times darker than the rest of her skin, and she looks confused. The “yoga” pose picture is funny too. You know she just stepped in some moose dung, and she probably thinks yoga is devil worshiping.

Read the whole article at

Honduras President Zelaya Ousted

June 29, 2009

In a coup d’etat, military tanks and hundreds of soldiers with riot shields surrounded and stormed the national palace in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, captured President Manuel Zelaya and flew him into exile in San Jose, Costa Rica Sunday.

Hours after the coup, the Honduras Congress voted to accept what they said was Zelaya’s letter of resignation, and voted to appoint congressional President Roberto Micheletti as new chief executive according to the Associated Press.

The Honduras Supreme Court issued a statement saying they support the military coup as a defense of democracy.

Zelaya was attempting to remove term limits to his re-election through a referendum. He was captured only hours before the voting polls opened to vote on the referendum to change the constitution. Prior, the Supreme Court ruled the referendum illegal, and the Congress opposed it.

About 100 Zelaya supporters, many wearing "Yes" T-shirts for the referendum, blocked the main street outside the palace gates, throwing rocks and insults at soldiers and shouting "Traitors! Traitors!"

Once landed in the San Jose airport, Zelaya said the military action was illegal.

"There is no way to justify an interruption of democracy, a coup d'etat," he said in a telephone call to the Venezuela-based Telesur television network. "This kidnapping is an extortion of the Honduran democratic system."

Zelaya told Telesur he would not recognize any de facto government and pledged to serve his term until its end in January. He said he would attend a scheduled meeting of Central American presidents in Nicaragua on Monday, and Venezuela President Hugo Chavez would provide transportation.

Chavez and the Castros of Cuba are Zelaya's main allies. Chavez said Venezuela "is at battle" and put his military on alert.

On Sunday, a resolution read on the Congress floor referenced Zelaya’s refusal to obey the Supreme Court ruling against the constitutional referendum and accused Zelaya of “manifest[ing] irregular conduct” and “putting in present danger the state of law.”

President Barack Obama said he was "deeply concerned" by Zelaya's ousting, and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the arrest should be condemned.

Honduras has had several other military coups including when soldiers overthrew elected presidents in 1963 and 1972. Under U.S. pressure, their military finally returned the government over to civilians in 1981.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mariah Carey in Drag as Eminem for "Obsessed" Video

June 29, 2009

Mariah Carey dressed up in dra
g as rapper Eminem today in New York City at the Plaza Hotel while filming her new music video for the song “Obsessed.”

Mariah is hitting back at the various recent attacks on her by Eminem,
such as how he said he had sex with her, urinated on her and in his new song “Bagpipes From Baghdad,” he warned Mariah’s husband, Nick Cannon to “back the fuck up.”

Mariah is disrespecting him not only
in the video by dressing in drag as he has done a number of times imitating various famous women, but also in the lyrics of “Obsessed.” It definitely made for an interesting song and probably a funny video. Mariah’s funny videos are some of her most popular ones, such as “Touch My Body” and “Heartbreaker.” You will be singing along with “Obsessed” after the first line or two. It’s very catchy!

Eminem is really a weak dumbass: who battles Mariah Carey and thinks he or she looks tough?! Here are some pictures from the video shoot with the Eminem costume, and the new album cover for her August 25 Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel.

Happy Birthday Carly Simon: New Music; Human and Sexual Rights Advocacy

June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Carly! Musician, composer, author, advocate, mom Carly Simon turned 64 today. For her birthday, Carly said on her website and blog that she spoke with Barbara Dacey at WMVY radio and planned to relax at home for the rest of the day. On the show, Carly announced that she will release a new album this fall and played a rough demo of one of the songs. The whole interview
can be heard here:

Carly explains current album, This Kind of Love, on her website, “Inspired by and subtly infused with the rhythms of Brazilian music, This Kind of Love explores a wide swath of emotion-romance, reflection, melancholy, anger and humor. It's at once one of Simon's most personal albums as well as one of her most stylistically diverse outings.”

The entire album is very good. “Island,” “Sangre Dolce” and “People Say A Lot” are my favorites. “Island” is a very peaceful-sounding song with a message about invading privacy, “Sangre Dolce” is about a mother who moves away from her children to make money in a new country as an a pair, and “People Say A Lot” is an interesting rap-like song about a deceptive personal assistant.

Carly also has a new song on the album, Listen, which will be available to buy June 23. It’s an album of 15 original songs written by children who stutter that are performed by famous musicians including: Carly Simon; Daryl Hall and John Oates; John Forte; Duncan Shiek. Simon wrote an article titled “How I Found My Voice” on June 7, 2009 in The Daily Beast explaining that she was a stutterer in the past and still is at times.

I am including the following information because it shows how even a person who’s thought of as an intelligent person, such as James Taylor, can be ignorant when it comes to sexual information. On June 19, 2008, Carly and her son Ben Taylor interviewed with Howard Stern. Speaking about Ben’s dad, her ex-husband James Taylor, Simon said she has not spoken to James in over 20 years and thinks that Taylor thinks she is a lesbian, and even though it is not completely true, it piqued her interest at one time.

"Have I made love to a woman? No," said Simon. "Now, I have been 'come on' to, but I was too uptight. But I wish that I had. I think that I’m too old for that [now]. I have a fantastic boyfriend now who’s almost a woman."

Simon said that she feels that Taylor's ex-wife and current wife were threatened by her, and it contributes to the strain in their relationship (

Carly and James Taylor’s son, Ben Taylor is currently on tour in Europe with John Forte. I’ll have to check out Ben’s newest album.

In an interview with Gregg Shapiro of the San Francisco publication, Bay Area Reporter on May 1, 2008, Carly said she would like to help with human rights and sexual rights advocacy.

Shapiro asked, “I'm wondering if Cyndi [Lauper] called you and asked you to be a part of the True Colors tour, might you get involved?”

Simon said, “Well, the part that I could be involved in is the gay and lesbian part. The part that would be hard for me is to commit to a tour because I'm not very comfortable being onstage. But the part that would be easiest for me would be singing on behalf of all of us. I don't consider myself to be not gay.”

“Wow! Well, it's great to have you as part of the family,” said Shapiro.

Carly added, “Thank you! I mean, I've enlarged all of my possibilities. There are a lot of extremely personal stories to tell about that, but we won't go into that right now. Let's just say that it just depends upon who I'm with.”

Check out Carly’s well-crafted latest album, This Kind of Love, and look out for Carly’s new album in a couple of months.

Denzel Washington's "Phone Sex" with John Travolta; Travolta's Swinging

June 12, 2009

Last night, actor Denzel Washington was on “Late Show with David Letterman” to promote his new thriller movie The Taking of Pelham 123. Denzel described his experience with John Travolta on the movie set as enjoyable and joked, “it was like phone sex.” He then explained he and Travolta were separated for most of the filming, John Travolta was in one room speaking into a wire that was connected to where Denzel was in the other room, Travolta’s voice was broadcast over a speaker into the room and vice versa

It seems John Travolta probably knows something about phone sex with men. In 2006, he was photographed on the plank leading into his jet French kissing another man. The man was later identified as Jeff Kathrein, who is a professional photographer and the nanny for Travolta’s late son Jett. When Jett died in January, Kathrein was said to be watching him from the adjacent bedroom in Travolta and wife Kelly Preston’s home in the Bahamas.

At the time of the photographs’ publication, Travolta’s publicist claimed he kisses everyone on the lips that way. Uh huh, it must be why there are rumors that Travolta frequents a sauna in the Korea Town neighborhood of Los Angeles that is known as a male pick-up joint. The funny thing is even if Travolta and Kelly Preston are swingers, it probably would not even affect his career; do macho men really go to see his most popular movies: Hairspray; Grease; Saturday Night Fever; Phenomenon; Michael; Look Who’s Talking? Even in the new Pelham 123 he plays a bisexual criminal. Time will tell, Edna Turnblad!

See Jeff Kathrein’s websites at